What are SARMs

Selective androgen receptor modulators, better known as SARMs, are a class of drugs which were developed primarily to mitigate the vast array of side effects known to accompany anabolic-androgenic steroid (AAS) hormone therapy. Partaking in AAS therapies results in the user experiencing both anabolic (e.g. increased skeletal muscle mass and bone density) and androgenic (e.g. increased acne, male-pattern baldness) effects; the extent to which either one is experienced is dependent on the specific derivative of AAS used. Clinical use of AAS therapy is often contraindicated due to the onset of potential complications such as prostate growth, excess estrogen conversion, and shrinkage of the testicles . This is where SARMs come into play; as they selectively target and address the medical condition at hand while simultaneously minimizing any unintentional effects (i.e. side effects and adverse events).


In clinical settings, SARMs have illustrated their potential to treat a wide variety of pathologies, such as muscle-wasting (cachexia) and osteopenia (low bone density). Recreationally SARMS present a “safer” alternative to illicit AAS use, as their selective nature reduces the chance for the onset of adverse effects to occur, or at the very least lessens the severity of pre-existing side effects (i.e. testosterone suppression occurs to a lesser extent with SARMs than with AAS). All while at the same time, a notable amount of anecdotal reports have circulated around the internet touting impressive muscle gains; certainly beyond what most people could attain naturally.


As of August 2021, the legal status of SARMs resides in a sort of gray area, if you will. In November of 2019, the Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators Control Act of 2019 was introduced into the United States Congress . It was intended to be an extension of the Controlled Substances Act, where regulated drugs receive “schedules” in accordance with their potential for abuse. For instance, derivatives of AAS are categorized into Schedule III, which the Controlled Substances Act indicates that abuse of the drug:


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Ostarine, or MK 2866, is a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) originally developed to combat muscle wastage in cancer and osteoporosis patients. Unlike traditional anabolic steroids, MK 2866 explicitly targets muscle tissue, making it highly effective for increasing lean muscle mass without affecting other organs.


MK-677, is a orally bio-active, selective agonist of the ghrelin receptor. Research shows that MK-677 increases the natural secretion of growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), but does not affect cortisol levels. It is being researched as a possible treatment for GH deficiency, muscle and bone wasting, appetite stimulation and Alzheimer's disease. MK-677 research in mice, appeared to prevent the onset of AD, even in genetically predisposed mice, as long as it was started before significant amyloid beta accumulation. MK-677 research has also also shown exceptionally promising benefits in improving sleep quality.


RAD-140 is a powerful SARM that offers numerous benefits for bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts. Using RAD-140 responsibly, following proper dosage and cycle guidelines, and incorporating PCT, you can achieve impressive results while minimizing potential risks.


SR9009 15mg 60caps . Stenabolic, known by its research code SR9009, is often mistaken for a SARM (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator) but is, in fact, a PPARδ (Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor Delta) modulator. Unlike SARMs, this non-hormonal compound has gained recognition for its ability to enhance metabolic activity, boost endurance, and support weight management without the adverse effects commonly associated with anabolic steroids or SARMs. b


YK11, often called a SARM (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator), is a unique compound that has gained recognition for its potential to promote muscle growth. What sets YK11 apart is its myostatin-inhibiting properties, which makes it more effective than traditional SARMs. YK11 is known to function as a potent androgen, influencing muscle cells to produce more follistatin—a protein that inhibits myostatin, a natural muscle growth limiter.

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